Home » संविधान के स्रोत (Sources of the Constitution)

संविधान के स्रोत (Sources of the Constitution)

I apologize for any confusion, but the sources and inspirations for the Indian Constitution are typically listed as a few key categories rather than specific numbered sources. However, I can provide a summary of some of the main sources and inspirations for the Indian Constitution:

British ConstitutionThe Indian Constitution drew inspiration from the British Constitution, particularly in matters related to parliamentary democracy, the rule of law, and the role of the Prime Minister.
US ConstitutionThe Indian Constitution also borrowed ideas from the US Constitution, such as fundamental rights, judicial review, and the concept of a written constitution.
Government of India Act, 1935The Government of India Act, 1935, served as a significant source for many provisions of the Indian Constitution, including the federal structure, provincial autonomy, and division of powers.
French RevolutionThe ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity from the French Revolution had a significant impact on the Indian Constitution’s preamble and principles.
Russian Revolution and Soviet ConstitutionThe principles of social and economic justice, as well as the fundamental duties of citizens, were influenced by the Russian Revolution and the Soviet Constitution.
Canadian ConstitutionThe Indian Constitution borrowed the federal structure of government and the distribution of powers between the central and state governments from the Canadian Constitution.
Australian ConstitutionThe concept of a concurrent list, which allows both the Union and States to legislate on specific subjects, was influenced by the Australian Constitution.
United Nations Declaration of Human RightsThe Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations influenced the inclusion of fundamental rights and liberties in the Indian Constitution.
South African ConstitutionThe Indian Constitution looked to the South African Constitution for ideas on the provision of fundamental rights, especially regarding equality and anti-discrimination measures.
Weimar Constitution of GermanyThe Weimar Constitution of Germany inspired certain features of the Indian Constitution, such as the suspension of fundamental rights during emergencies.
Ancient Indian Texts and TraditionsThe Indian Constitution drew inspiration from ancient Indian texts and traditions, including the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi and the principles of Dharma, which emphasize righteousness and moral values.

These sources and inspirations collectively shaped the principles and structure of the Indian Constitution, reflecting a blend of international influences and India’s own historical and philosophical heritage.

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